Monday, August 27, 2007

A Scary Night in Southfield

I’ve seen my share of bad weather. A strong summer storm rolls in: thick black clouds obscure the sun. Flashes of lighting illuminate the sky. Thunder booms overhead. I’ve seen it.

At least I thought I’d seen it. Last Friday night, a strong line of thunderstorms moved in, and people, I have never seen weather like this. The sky turned GREEN. The clouds hung low and spun in concentric circles. At any moment I thought a tornado would drop on our heads.

It was another late night at work and we gathered under the flimsy metal overhang in the parking lot and watched lightning bolt after lightning bolt scorch the sky. While the thunder and lighting put on a good show, it was the clouds that were truly terrifying. I really thought a tornado was going to drop right in the parking lot. The clouds were low in the sky. They spun and dipped lower and lower. I’ve been through my share of hurricanes, nor’easters and other downright miserable weather scenarios including a 9 hour trek through a snow squall in the Poconos, but I’ve never been scared before. According to forecasters, the strongest tornado in a decade touched down in Southeastern Michigan Friday night. I’m just glad it didn’t land in our parking lot.

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